Thursday, 7 January 2010

What have you learned from your audience feedback ?
After showing the film trailer to members of the audience, along with the poster and magazine cover, they had given me some feedback on what they thought worked and what didn’t. By making a horror film trailer it was crucial that my target audience could immediately identify the genre of the trailer. Every member of the audience was able to pick up on this right away because of the music and the scenes featured in the trailer. Using dreary, dark lighting also helped to reinforce the genre of the trailer. By using a fast paced song towards the end of the trailer, the audience stayed interested the whole way through the trailer, which would help attract a wider audience in the real world. By using the music to help build suspense my target audience had told me that this was very well done as it did give them a slight clue that something was about to happen. From asking my target audience for their views I was able to clearly identify which features worked well and which didn’t.

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